Google Store Chelsea in Manhattan, New York City, U.S. by REUTERS – Andrew Kelly

Parler a social media app popular with the American conservatives returned to the Google’s app on September 2 after being removed by Alphabet following the US Capitol riots in January 2021.

The app was launched in 2018 and styled itself as a free speech space for those seeking an alternative to Twitter. It quickly gained traction from supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

However, major tech platforms cut ties for failing to police its violent content that led to the attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters.

Now being reinstated after it undertook a series of measures to moderate content on the platform, including features to block abusive users and remove content that could incite violence.

“Parler has a strong commitment to free speech and despite the market duopoly, is working to provide options and choices for the millions of voices currently being censored or suppressed based on their viewpoint”

said Christina Cravens, Parler’s marketing chief.

To be sure, Parler had made its app available for Android phones through a separate version that could be downloaded on its website after it was removed from Play Store.

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